Categoria: PHP
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PHP è un linguaggio "server side" di riferimento per le applicazioni web, facile da imparare, flessibile, con tantissime soluzioni open source free / a pagamento pronte all'uso.

JAVASCRIPT è un linguaggio "client side" per le applicazioni web. Esistono diversi framework e soluzioni pronti all'uso.

La fatica più grande in un progetto consiste nel scegliere gli oggetti che ci servono nelle tantissime soluzioni proposte.

Ho iniziato la ricerca perchè ne avevo l'esigenzaimmediata ma ho scoperto tantissime soluzioni fantastiche per creare front-end belli e soprattutto funzionali.

In quest'articolo mi limiterò ad elencare le soluzioni che man mano scopro.



"PHP DataGrid script - is a powerful tool for generating data-bound grid control"
Free PHP DataGrid script is a simple, innovative and powerful tool for generating data-bound grid control, specially designed for web developers.
The PHP DataGrid is excellent for all PHP database-driven web site and online-based data administration. Also it useful for dynamic content management and PHP-based hosting providers.


Powerful PHP Grid
When it comes to web DataGrids, fast loading of large data combined with advanced Excel-like operations has been always a challenge. Having a solid experience in web technologies, we designed our AJAX powered PHP Grid to eliminate this tradeoff. Easy-to-use, rich client-side API, myriad of features topped with an unbeatable performance is what we call KoolGrid.


Sencha - Ext JS is now Sencha

Ext JS is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building rich internet application.


Open Source AJAX

ZK® Enterprise Framework

ZK® is the most proven Ajax + Mobile framework designed to maximize enterprise operation efficiency and minimize the development cost by its groundbreaking Direct RIA architecture. 

ZK Mobile extends the reach of enterprise Internet applications to 1.8 billion mobile devices with minimal cost, supporting Java Mobile, Android, and various mobile browsers.

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