If you are a Joomla user, for sure, you have already noted the button "Insert Predefined Template Content" .
Here you will find how to add the custom template content for TinyMCE.
I find very useful use of little snippets while typing an article in Joomla. Often the plugins require to write something like {pluginname parameter1=N, parameter2=Y ....}. Remember the syntax for all plugins it's not so easy.
Well, here we go...
- Editor
- FTP client
- html file with what we want to add ;-)
- Launch a client FTP , for example Filezilla
- open the folder: media/editors/tinymce/templates (media is located under your server root and under your joomla installation. In my case the full path is /httpdocs/site/media/editors/tinymce/templates.
- Download and open the file template_list.js (let me suggest the use of an editor like Notepad++)
- You will find only the 2 default template: Layout and Simple snippet.
- Insert a new line and upload it
As you will note there are 3 column inside of each row:
- Simple snippet is the short description for the combobox
- media/editors/tinymce/templates/snippet1.html is the file with your content
- Simple HTML snippet is the description for your content
My template_list.js
// This list may be created by a server logic page PHP/ASP/ASPX/JSP in some backend system. // There templates will be displayed as a dropdown in all media dialog if the "template_external_list_url" // option is defined in TinyMCE init. var tinyMCETemplateList = [ // Name, URL, Description ["byman tag for plugin", "media/editors/tinymce/templates/byman_tag_for_plugin.html", "Tag for photoswipe"], ["Code Highlighter GeSHi : HTML", "media/editors/tinymce/templates/Code_Highlighter_GeSHi_HTML.html", "HTMLLayout."], ["Code Highlighter GeSHi : PHP", "media/editors/tinymce/templates/Code_Highlighter_GeSHi_PHP.html", "HTMLLayout."], ["Code Highlighter GeSHi : Javascript", "media/editors/tinymce/templates/Code_Highlighter_GeSHi_JAVASCRIPT.html", "HTMLLayout."], ["Layout", "media/editors/tinymce/templates/layout1.html", "HTMLLayout."], ["Simple snippet", "media/editors/tinymce/templates/snippet1.html", "Simple HTML snippet."] ];