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Molti pc vengono predisposti con una partizione che consente agli utenti di poter ripristinare il pc riportandolo alle impostazioni di fabbrica.

Se invece ci troviamo a dover cancellare questa partizione, ci ritroveremo a non poter utilizzare i comuni strumenti di amministrazione dei dischi.

Sabazio mi ha passato una "chicca" che consente di rimuovere la partizione.

Purtroppo non conosco l'origine e tanto meno l'autore per poterlo ringraziare.


Ecco l'articolo in lingua originale:

Here’s the trick to delete and remove the EISA recovery or diagnostic partition in Vista - Xp - W7. 
  1. Open a command prompt as administrator.
  2. Run Diskpart application by typing Diskpart in the command prompt.
  3. In the “Diskpart” prompt, enter rescan command and press Enter key to re-scan all partitions, volumes and drives available.
  4. Then type in list disk and press Enter key to show all hard disk drive available.
  5. Select the disk that contains the partition you want to remove. Normally, with just 1 hard disk, it will be disk 0. So the command will be:
    Select disk 0
    Finish by Enter key.
  6. Type list partition and press Enter key to show all available and created partition in the disk selected.
  7. Select the partition that wanted to be deleted by using the following command, followed by Enter key:
    select partition x
    where x is the number of the EISA based recovery partition to be removed and unlocked its space. Be careful with the number of this partition, as wrong number may get data wipes off.
  8. Finally, type in delete partition override and press Enter key.



- have fun -

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