Stella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattivaStella inattiva

Here how you can customize the key bindings in order to switch focus between editor and integrated terminal.

I have done it editing the file "data\user-data\User\keybindings.json" and adding the settings there. Just save and test it.

My binds in my italian keyboards:

CTRL + \ 

Switch focus between Editor and Terminal
The key backslash "\" in my keyboard is under the ESC key.

ALT + \ 

Open the Terminal if it's closed


For Remote SSH I remeber I have done nothing, it inherit from local

"key": "alt+oem_5",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.focus",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"key": "alt+oem_5",
"command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
"when": "terminalFocus"
"key": "ctrl+oem_5",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal"


- have fun -


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