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In windows xp find a 64 bit version was a rare event. 
Starting from windows vista,  the 64 bit architecture begins his diffusion process.
With Windows 7 is easier find desktop with the 64 bit version installed. So why do not use 64 bit native program  64 bit ?

Often the programs are released only as 32 bit.
Well, windows media player is available for 32 and for 64 but the 32 bit version is set as default. A warning : not all codec are already available on your pc for 64 bit. So before switch download a free pack of codec for 64 bit architecure.

How to switch from 32 to 64

%windir%\system32\unregmp2.exe /SwapTo:64

How to switch from 32 to 64

%windir%\system32\unregmp2.exe /SwapTo:32


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