Maggot Brain
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- Categoria: Video Songs
- Visite: 18041
Free your mind and your ass will follow, sit back and relax, Maggot Brain.
According to legend, George Clinton, under the influence of LSD, told Eddie Hazel during the recording session to imagine he had been told his mother was dead, but then learned that it was not true.
Non ho paura...
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Saggezze
- Visite: 7932
Oggi mi è capitato di leggere un bellissima frase di Martin Luther King. La frase era scritta in italiano, ho cercato quella originale in inglese e le riporto entrambe.Non sono sicuro che la traduzione sia corretta al 100% ma il senso sicuramente si.
Cambiare il mondo
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- Categoria: Saggezze
- Visite: 7911
Di recente ho partecipato ad un corso dal titolo "Magic Training" per i manager di oggi e di domani. Un corso diverso dai soliti, per niente annoiante, con metodi che ti aiutano a ricordare ed imparare divertendoti. Alla base del corso c'è un forte accostamento alla magia.
OpenVPN - AutoLogon and AutoConnect
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- Categoria: Windows
- Visite: 23633
OpenVPN for windows is one of my favorite vpn. Here how to AutoConnect and make an autologin.
Joomla 3 user session
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- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 7881
The following code is useful if you need to know if the current user is logged on Joomla CMS.
Peace Fugue
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- Categoria: Multimedia
- Visite: 11674
"Peace Fugue" is a slow Fred Wesley piece that is almost pure jazz. The recurring musical theme--a slowly swelling ascending figure--is an engaging one, especially when all the horns pick up on it; found on the "A Blow For Me, A Toot To You" CD first released on vinyl in 1977.
I dedicate this one to my mother and my father
Remote tail from windows using plink
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- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 10092
Tail is a famous linux command to read latest lines of a text file, usually used to read live a log while a program is writing into the file. If you are a windows user you would like send remote commands ssh to a linux box, for example to read a log file without open an interactive linux session using for example Putty.
Summer Madness
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- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 8852
Summer Madness is one of the best jazz song of Kool and the Gang.
MySQL Slow Log
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- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 8109
If you need to know which queries require long time, you can activate the mysql log for slow queries.
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