- Dettagli
- Categoria: VS Code
- Visite: 1501
This article contains how to customize the foreground, background and cursor color on VS Code Terminal.
Use different colors schema for each ssh remote helps to recognize them. Or maybe you want to change your local terminal colors.
We need to add/change the workbench setting inside the file settings.json.
- Dettagli
- Categoria: PHP
- Visite: 5580
One of my latest experience has been to show the correct date time to russian guys.
In order to manage the right local date for each country I have done the following 3 simple steps:
- Store the date in GMT format (Greenwich Mean Time)
- Declare the momentJS in my webpage
- Use the momentJS function to convert the date
Browser will do a right conversion
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 2766
Let me start saying "Finally Fixed!"...Ok, it's just a work around but you can be sure to find all differences.
Who use the "directory comparison" feature noted for sure green folders but files are the same. This just because foler modified timestamp in folders are different.
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- Categoria: Miscellaneous
- Visite: 6786
In Excel ci posizioniamo nella colonna ed inseriamo una nuova colonna
a) Incollare la seguente formula nella cella A2:
=RESTO(SE(RIF.RIGA()=2;0;SE(C2=C1;A1; A1+1)); 2)
nota: adeguare C2 e C1 con la vostra colonna con valori che si alternano
b) Copiare A2 in tutte le righe della vostra tabella
c) Selezionare la tabella
d) Formattazione condizionale e quindi Gestisci Regole
e) Nuova regola e quindi scegliere formula come tipo di formattazione ed inserire =$A2=1 e quindi colorare lo sfondo
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 3187
Recently I installed DUPLICATI to make my personal backups. I created around 7 tasks, I mean Jobs Configurations.
Duplicati has a GUI (Graphical User Interface) web based and in the home it reports the task list.
There is no option to sort the task list. I googled for a solution but I didnt find any simple way.
The official task list is orded by created.
Here my solution to make the task list draggable.
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 3835
If you have to import an excel file into a database table you have different ways. Recently I faced with an excel file with inside cells with single quote inside the text and some amount cells with zero value.
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 6451
Tempo fà ho trovato in un forum un metodo per capire se l'immagine inclusa è vettoriale o bitmap.
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 5250
I created some short link to open some of my favorite pages.
Just to be clear a short link like
https://byman.it + / + /mypage could be point to https://www.byman.it/site/index.php/category-articles/mynice-cosnideration-page
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 4999
Here you will find some tricks discovered my self or found on the internet.
- Dettagli
- Categoria: VB.Net
- Visite: 10971
If a word starts with # or @ or other special char like $, your autocomplete search fails? Here a workaround to fix it.
- Dettagli
- Categoria: Articles
- Visite: 6655
Alcune formule o pezzi di codici utili. Come al solito preferisco salvare qui quelle cose che hanno costato fatica in modo da ritrovarle facilmente e nello stesso tempo condividerle con chi le sta cercando.
Lotus Notes
VS Code
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